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Pack Events


The Annual Pack Calendar is available via Scoutbook. Once you join our Pack website, you will also get email reminders of upcoming Pack activities and events.  Please contact the Outings Chair with questions about Pack activities and events.


Den Meetings are run by Den Leaders and take place one to four times a month. Den Calendars will be distributed to parents by Den Leaders.  Den meeting times and locations are subject to change to coordinate with the scouts’ other activities and are scheduled to meet the needs of the Dens.  Contact your Den Leader with questions about Den meetings and activities.


Pack Meetings take place monthly, usually at Lipscomb Elementary.  These meetings are planned by the Pack Committee and run by the Cubmaster and Asst. Cubmaster.  The Pack Meeting is NOT a drop-off event; an adult must accompany each Scout who attends the Pack Meeting.  The entire family is encouraged to participate during the Pack Meeting, so your presence is important.  Pack Meetings include fun activities and recognize scouts for their achievements. 


Pack Activities take place throughout the year and include:

  • Pack Hikes

  • Pack Camping

  • Fishing

  • Canoeing

  • Service projects

  • Raingutter Regatta: The Scouts get to be creative and prepare a basic boat to sail down a piece of rain gutter, which uses a sail and their breath for propulsion. The design is up to each scout, and the Scout Store even sells wooden Regatta kits. This is meant to be a fun game for the boys, while also letting them experiment a bit with engineering concepts including flotation, balance and air propulsion.

  • Blue & Gold Celebration: This is the annual birthday party for Cub Scouting, usually in February.  It is a more formal pack meeting where we review the year and present awards.

  • Pinewood Derby Race: In the late fall, each Scout receives a Pinewood Derby Kit; from this starting point, they design and customize a small wooden car. At the “Derby,” typically held on either a Friday evening or Saturday afternoon, Cub Scouts race the cars that they have created.  Scouts may choose to compete for both “Speed” and “Design” awards.  The winners may advance to District competitions.

  • Day Camp: All Districts in our Council have a Cub Scout Day Camp each summer where scouts can practice their Archery and BB Gun shooting skills and complete other rank adventures and electives. Our Day Camp generally takes place during a week in early June at a Williamson County location and is staffed primarily by volunteers and a few paid staff members.  Each family is expected to pay the fee (usually around $100) and send at least one volunteer, either to prepare for, serve during, or help after the camp.  Look for more information about Summer Day Camp by the time of the Blue & Gold Celebration; coordinate with your Den Leaders!

  • Family Camp: The Middle Tennessee Council offers multiple sessions of resident camps at Boxwell Reservation each summer.  These sessions generally cost around $150 for a Scout and adult to attend and take place over a long weekend, offering opportunities to complete requirements.  Dens are encouraged to register for the same session and attend resident camp together.  Coordinate with your Den Leaders!  

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