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Expectations for Parents


  • Make sure your Cub Scout attends Den and Pack Meetings and is prepared as needed.

  • Attend monthly Pack Meetings with your Cub Scout and be willing to help with crafts, skits, refreshments or other activities.

  • Cub Scouting relies on families to help guide Cub Scouts through their achievements.  The scouts will work on rank, elective and other activities during Den meetings, but Cubs will need your help as parents to complete all the requirements to earn ranks and awards.

  • Please update your child’s Scoutbook profile as you help them to complete items at home.  This will let your Den Leader see what your scout has already done, so they can plan activities for everyone.

  • Remember, at home YOU are Akela.  You will be signing off on adventures and activities you do at home.

  • Make sure your Cub Scout is living the Cub Scout Motto to DO YOUR BEST.  Don’t sign off on adventures or other awards that your scout didn’t earn or finish. DO YOUR BEST does not mean do it perfectly.  But Cub Scouts need to put in effort, even when things are difficult.

  • Review the Cub Scout Handbook for your scout’s current rank.  Be familiar with the requirements to earn the rank.  You don’t have to memorize the book, but many things you already do at home can be signed off, so it helps to know what those things are.

  • A representative from each Cub Scout family is encouraged to become a member of the Pack Committee and attend Pack Committee Meetings each month.  We ask that families attend at least four Committee meetings each year (one per quarter) or more if your schedule allows.  These meetings are an important way for the parents and leaders to communicate about upcoming events and activities.   Check the pack calendar for dates and times.

  • Volunteer to help with a single event or an ongoing position each year to keep the Pack going.


Blog post: 25 Cub Scout Terms You Need to Know!

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